Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11's Web Page

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Name: Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Rescue ID: D110708
Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: 250
Species: Dog
Breed: Shepherd / Doberman Pinscher / Mixed (medium coat)
Learn more about the Doberman Pinscher.
Sex: Male
Current Size: 22 Pounds
General Potential Size: Large
Current Age: 13 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
Activity Level: Moderately Active
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor Only
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Kids: Yes
Housetrained: Yes



If you're looking for a young pup who fits the bill of being both playful, cuddly and friendly, yet not over the top mushy and slobbery with everyone he meets than Alex may just be your man . . .er . . .pup.<br><br>



Entering into the picture at about 4 months old (and with huge paws) this boy is possibly a cross between the noble Doberman and the goofy Lab. Like a lab, he is playful and goofy, eager to please and quick to make sure that his people get all the loving they can handle. But like the Dobie, he caries a certain nobility about him (ok, well if you overlook the huge feet, airplane ears that threaten to carry him up into the air and super long tail). <br><br>
First spotted at a local high kill shelter by a policeman who saw his potential and begged the rescue to take him on, Alex is definitely a pup worth meeting. Friendly and outgoing with his foster family, on walks Alex is curious about everything; eager to experience it all, and yet just a bit reserved, too. He walks extremely well on a leash (for a 4 month old) quickly changing pace to match that of his person. Usually a light pressure on his collar is all that is needed to have him turn around and come running back in your direction. He'll eagerly follow you both on sidewalks and grass, only occasionally darting ahead to chase a leaf or check out an interesting tree. <br><br>
Alex also appears to have inherited the Dobie trait of being initially reserved around unfamiliar people. He quickly warms up, however, when offered a tasty treat or two. <br><br>
If you need him to stay in one spot while you are busy doing something else, he takes quite easily to either a crate or an indoor tether. He will usually sit on his bottom, patiently waiting for the return of your attention. If you make eye contact with him you're likely to get a whine or two along with a look of longing, but if left to his own devices he will eventually give up his stoic posture and decide that a nap is probably the best course of action. <br><br>
When off leash in a fenced in yard, this pup loves to explore the grass and bushes and chase the occasional squirrel. He is beginning to learn the joys of fetching (and eating) sticks and leaves but, when called by his name, he quickly and eagerly comes right over to your side. Alex is not one to run off on his own agenda, however. Instead, he prefers to stay close by your side and be involved in whatever it is that you are doing. <br><br>
Because of his unknown earliest life, and then several weeks spent inside a cage in the shelter, you will find that many environmental things are still new to this pup (stairs, cars, leaves, cats) but so far he has greeted each new element with a nice mix of caution and curiosity. Never one to charge ahead and barrel his way into new situations, Alex doesn't cower from them, either. Instead, he always seems to take the time to really try and evaluate what is before him before moving on ahead. With gentle encouragement and lots of positive praise, though, he is rapidly gaining confidence in himself. He is quickly mastering those tricky steps, happily greets new cats with curious sniffing and is beginning to approach long walks and car rides with enthusiasm. <br><br>
Smart as a whip and eager to please, this little youngster is already well on his way to navigating the most important obstacles on the road to becoming an awesome companion. He is quickly learning that taking treats and food gently is the way to go. He has learned that he gets the most attention when he sits and waits patiently for it to come. And he already whines when he needs to go out to potty and will not soil his crate unless he absolutely has no choice. Once outside, he responds beautifully to the 'go potty' prompt and then eagerly trots over to receive some loving and praise for a job well done. <br><br>
Alex is also quickly learning to be careful around adult dogs who may not necessarily be up for as much rough housing as he would like. While seeming more relaxed around smaller dogs than bigger ones, he is quickly learning how much he can get away with in the dog world and is a master as treating those dogs who demand it with respect and deference. Dog who would like to run and play, though, will have a wonderful time with our boy as he loves nothing better then a friendly and fun game of chase and bitey-face. <br><br>
This little guy is also slowly being introduced into the weird (to him) world of the cat. We're moving slowly in order to have the best possible outcome. (Not knowing his particular breed traits, it's hard to know how much, if any, prey drive this guy will ultimately have. ) So far, he is doing awesome! Interested in playing and sniffing these new critters, yet also being relatively gentle with them, Alex is quickly learning that seeing and being around kitties makes good things (treats and attention) happen. <br><br>

In short, Alex is a wonderful little guy who should do beautifully in just about any family situation where his 'people' are ready and excited to encourage his curiosity and build up his confidence while showing him all the awesome things that family life has to offer just the right dog

Last Day Dog Rescue now microchips all animals before adoption. Microchips are implanted between the animals shoulder blades and are a permanent form of identification. The microchips are registered to Last Day Dog Rescue with the adopter's info added once adopted. If the animal is ever lost and slips his/her collar/tags the microchip allows the finder to know who to contact if scanned for a microchip. Animals MUST still have a collar with tags on at all times. Per our contract, we take all our animals back if for any reason you can't keep your adopted animal.

Please understand the statements about this animal are based upon the foster home's evaluation of the animal. The animal might behave differently (negatively or positively) in your home. While the animal might be good with the current foster’s dogs, cats, children, etc., it may not be with your animal(s) or children. The animal may be housebroken or litter trained in the home of the foster but may relapse in your home. The animal is represented to the public as it performs in the foster home and any statements made regarding the animal are conditional to that foster home setting. Please understand that statements made regarding this animal are simply overviews and are not guaranteed.

The system requires that we choose a predominant breed or breed mix for our animals. Visual breed identification in animals is unreliable so for most of the animals we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each animal as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our animals based on personality, not by breed label.

Thank you for looking through our list of animals needing forever homes and choosing rescue first. We appreciate you stopping by.

Other Pictures of Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11 (click to see larger version):
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11
Alex - ADOPTED 01.05.11