Kf Litter Catelyn (Mom)'s Sponsorship Page
Kf Litter Catelyn (Mom)

Momma cat AKA Catelyn may have had babies but she’s just a baby herself at around a year old. She moves through the house with stealth and caution but she’s improving every day. The dogs used to scare her but she’ll just walk right past them these days. She gets her zooms normally in the evening time where she will run around with her toys, chase her tail or play with anything else that moves, in typical cat behavior. She is such a lover and will be so happy if you let her nap on your lap and sleep with you at night. Overall she’s happy doing just about anything you are and loves to be with her people! 

Kf Litter Catelyn (Mom)'s Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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